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How to transfer money from credit card to bank account without any extra charges - Latest trick

In the last year lot of wallet apps are got popular. Some of them are Paytm, Airtel Money, PayZaap, PhonePe etc.

Earlier paytm and other wallet apps are allowed user to transfer their wallet balance to bank account without any charges. So anyone can easily load money from credit card to wallet and transfer that balance to bank account. But now almost all wallet are charging some percent to transfer money to the bank account. Now you need to pay  2 to 3 percent extra to transfer money from wallet to bank account.

You are still looking for transfer money from credit card to bank account without any charges ??

Using a small trick you can still transfer money from credit card to bank account.

For this trick all you need is two wallet apps.
  • PayZaap
  • PhonePe

Using these two apps you can still transfer money from credit card to your bank account without any extra charges. PayZaap is official app of HDFC Bank and PhonePe is the official wallet app of Flipkart. So without any worry you can use these apps .

Now follow the step below.
  • Install PayZaap and PhonePe in your Mobile.
  • Load Balance in your Payzaap wallet using any credit card.
  • In the PayZaap you can find a virtual debit card.
  • Note the card number expiry date and cvv.
  • Now open the PhonePe App.
  • Now load money to the PhonePe Wallet using PayZaap virtual Debit Card.
  • You can now transfer the PhonePe Wallet Balance to any bank account.
You can transfer up to 20000 Rs per month using this tricks.

If you still have any questions please ask in the comment section.

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